Car Ventilator
Car ventilators for parked cars in open places have been around for years but it has always come at a cost -a terrible user experience. They have been always been poor-quality, inefficient, ready-made and insecure-until now.
It is the first of its kind, addressing all the problems of current car ventilators. It is custom-made, secure and solar powered by design, using cross ventilation technology to reduce substantially your exposure to the adverse health effects of high temperature and pollutants in the parked cars.
¹Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are pollutants that emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors, including parked cars (up to ten times higher) than outdoors.
Powered by a 50W solar panel, in module draws in cool and fresh outside air into the car through its 4 blower fans to blow hot air out of the car through the opposite out module. In just 5 minutes, this cross ventilation can replace all of the air in an average size car at least twice to optimize the cabin temperature.

It is the first car ventilator to use cross ventilation technology, comprising in and out modules for effective air exchange. This speedy air exchange makes the cabin more comfortable when re-entering the car.

It is designed and made according to the dimensions of each car's rear door window to ensure the right fit. No rubber strips and trimmings are required to seal the window gaps.

It provides triple protections to help your car to stay securely closed while the ventilation does its work. It is strong enough to prevent anyone from being able to remove the unit or get into your car.

It allows ventilation on hot but cloudy or even rainy days by providing a power option from your car's 12-volt power receptacle, which consumes a small amount of electricity from your car's battery.

It is the first car ventilator to have an air filter. Dust and particles can be filtered so that only clean air is drawn in.

It installation is straight forward and simple with a few steps completed in minutes. There is no drilling, no trimming of sealing strips, no tinting, and no alteration. And most conveniently, It can be kept mounted while driving.

It is the only effective solution to ventilate your parked car.